The Fee Machine Experience

Track the status of each rental with our Rental Item Status display:

Fee Machine Tablet home page

The status of each rental item is clearly displayed

Available Item
Indicates Item is available to rent.
Busy Rental using “Count Up” Timer
Busy Rental using "Count Up" timer.
Busy Rental using “Count Up” Timer
Busy Rental sing "Count Down" timer
Expiring Busy Rental using “Count Down” Timer
Rental Ending using "Count Down" timer
Expired Busy Rental using “Count Down” Timer
Rental Expired using "Count Down" timer

Selecting an Active/Busy Rental shows the status – Time of Rental, Fees, Rate Type and Number of Players:

Fee Machine Tablet - Active Rental Status Display

Completing a Rental is easy – Touch the Complete Rental button and scan the QR Code into your POS

Completed Rental View on Fee Machine Tablet with QR Code

Starting a Rental

Click on an Available Item to begin the process.

Select the desired Rate Type (if more than 1 is defined for the item)
Select Rental Rate Type

Select the number of Players (if required for the rate type)

Selecting the number of Players for the new Rental

You can enter each Player’s Name for the Rental if desired.

Enter Player Names on Fee Machine Tablet

Confirm the Rental setup, edit as needed, then Begin your Rental!

Fee Machine Tablet - Confirming a New Rental Status Display

Manage from the Cloud

Manage all aspects of your Fee Machine configuration from the cloud using your tablet or cell phone.

Multi-Unit Operator Support

Fee Machine was designed with multi-unit operators in mind. Multi-unit operators can easily manage all their locations from the cloud in a single portal, and select them on the Fee Machine tablet

Fee Machine Tablet - Selecting a Location

Do you want to access the Admin Portal?